The summer i turned pretty summary by chapters
The summer i turned pretty summary by chapters

the summer i turned pretty summary by chapters

I’m a starfish, taking up all the room I want.“ “ As I float, I spread out my arms and my legs. Fortunately, Ellie finds an understanding therapist who helps her move from powerless to powerful. Not even Ellie’s dad stands up to her mom’s cruel treatment of Ellie. And her biggest bully? Her mother–who won’t buy her new clothes because she thinks it encourages Ellie’s weight gain and is pushing for gastro-bypass surgery. Ellie’s nickname is Splash because of her size but she loves swimming. Heartbreaking and inspiring, this poignant story in verse shows a girl who learns, after years of fat-shaming and bullying, to define herself not based on what others say but on who she really is.


Read Alouds, Book Series, & Nonfiction Titles for your 11-year-olds in 6th grade:īook Recommendations Plus Reviews & Genres For easier books, try books for 10-year olds. If you want harder (to comprehend / more mature topics) books, visit my books for 12-year olds list. Or, at this age, you can just show them this page and have them read the reviews themselves to help them decide. I love to give my kids options of a few books to make it easier to pick. It’s always so helpful to match a child’s interests with the books that they read.

the summer i turned pretty summary by chapters

Plus, each book review includes a genre tag so look for mystery, fantasy, realistic, historical, and sci-fi to help you search. Below you’ll find the BEST of the middle-grade chapter books that are spot-on for maturity and readability. Want to keep your 11-year-olds, 6th graders, reading good books? I can help. Best Books for 11-Year-Olds (Sixth Grade)

The summer i turned pretty summary by chapters